
ChangeMaker3D Updated Logo (1)

Our Homes

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What if we could prove that 3D mortar printing can produce quality, dignified and low-cost housing – at incredible pace?

ChangeMaker 3D aims to help address the urgent need for social housing by printing people into homes that meet rigorous industry standards. We aim to build walls for both temporary and permanent homes and are working to obtain the BRE Product Standard.

There’s no catch aside from a willingness to try something new.

Our challenge to the industry is simple: Innovation is not only possible, it’s the future.

Our challenge to the industry is simple: Innovation is not only possible, it’s the future.

Our industry-leading partnership

ChangeMaker 3D’s role is both strategic and operational. We get involved at design phase to ensure the housing meets the land and planning conditions. Then we take our place as trusted partners within the supply chain, delivering walls on time and to budget.

We operate in partnership with Bailey Garner LLP, award-winning construction specialists, and CyBe Construction, leading global manufacturers in 3D printing.

3D mortar printed housing is new to the UK, but is already gaining momentum across the globe. The world’s first 3D printed community was recently completed in Mexico for families living in extreme poverty. Similar schemes are underway in The Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark.

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